Editor's review
This is a tool for designing id cards for your company and print them.
One of the first things you do when an employee joins your business is to issue her photo id card. It used to be quite an elaborate affair, earlier, with a service provider being called in and given the details. The service provider would create one and come back to you. Since this service provider could not come just for making one card, one would accumulate a few and then order the cards on this batch of new employees. This used to be an inconvenience for both the employees and the employer. Not anymore; you will be able to create an id card for every employee as they join with this tool. The cards could be quite sophisticated ones including photographs and a bar code with employee unique id number. Typical office printer could be used to get the design printed.
The tool is quite simple and just about anybody would be able to design these cards. A new user could start with the wizard to get the design done. One could create a standard design for all employees and save it. As each employee comes in, you can simply use a new photo, create the unique id and a new card is ready! Various graphic design tools are available and you could use these tools to create the design. Graphic shapes and tool like Line, Ellipse, Pencil, Rectangle, Text, Barcode, Picture, Arc, Triangle and Star objects could be used. Card designs could be in folded designs including Quarter Fold, Half Fold and other type of folds. This is a good product that could be useful in small and medium businesses.
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